HEDP Undergrad Wins Prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship

One of the most coveted and nationally-competitive graduate fellowships has been awarded to HEDP undergraduate research student, Edward McCary, for his work on deuteron acceleration as an important step towards sensing nuclear weapons smuggled in cargo containers. Working closely with HEDP staff scientist, Michael Storm, and graduate student, John Morrison, Edward was intimately involved in the deuteron acceleration experiment at the University of Texas at Austin GHOST laser, which was recently reported on in the Journal Physics of Plasmas.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships are awarded to approximately 2,000 graduating seniors and first- or second-year graduate students. Students must have a strong academic record, significant research experience, and plans to pursue a research-based career. The fellowship fully funds up to three years of graduate school, including educational tuition & fees, as well as a stipend for living expenses.
With the award, Edward plans to attend graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin.
Congratulations Eddie! We wish you the best in your future career!