

Preston Pozderac

Pozderac Wins 1st Place at Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum

On February 28, 2020, Preston Pozderac competed in the 34th Annual Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum at the Ohio State University. The event features oral and poster presentations of cutting…

Group Photo of attendees at the NIF and JLF User Meeting

NIF & JLF Annual Meeting Celebrates Future for HED Science

The annual NIF and Jupiter Laser Facility (JLF) User Group meeting held this month brought together 186 researchers to review recent experimental results, preview upcoming Discovery Science…

Ohio Supercomputer Center Logo

HEDP Presents at Statewide Users Group Conference

Several people from the HEDP group presented at the Statewide Users Group Conference at the Ohio Supercomputer center:

Joseph Smith - Awarded Second Place
Optimizing Laser-Plasma…

Douglass Schumacher

Douglass Schumacher Presents to NNSA

Douglass Schumacher presented at the National Nuclear Security Administration 2019 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium in Albuquerque, NM. He described a new DOE funded project of Enam…

Laser Net US Logo

HEDP Wins LaserNetUS Award

The LaserNetUS collaboration became official on August 20, 2018. The LaserNetUS network serves scientists in the United States by providing access to domestic user facilities and enabling a…

Teaching Award Zingale

Anthony Zingale wins Teaching Assistant Award

The Hazel Brown Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award was awarded to Anthony Zingale at the Annual Physics Picnic on April 25, 2017.

This award recognizes Outstanding Performance as…

Derek Nasir

Derek Nasir wins honorable mention for Best Poster at OLUG

The annual OMEGA Laser Users' Group (OLUG) Workshop at LLE hosts a poster competition during the meeting. Derek Nasir won Honorable Mention in the Graduate Student category for Best Poster Award…

Ginevra Cochran

Ginevra Cochran Featured in the 2017 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Annual

Featured in the 2017 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Annual are:
Current graduate student Ginevra Cochran and former graduate student Sheng Jiang.

On page 35, Ginevra Cochran is…

Christopher Orban

Physicist Takes “Physics of Video Games” to Columbus Summer Camp

Christopher Orban, assistant professor, physics (Marion), will conduct an Ohio State-affiliated, Physics of Video Games camp, for grades 9-12 at Columbus Academy, July 17-21.
