Prof. Chowdhury, in collaboration with Prof. Jay Gupta, won one of the three of this year’s Institute of Material Research (IMR) team building seed grant awards, to study…
Prof. Chowdhury’s Lab is part of AFOSR MURI (Multi-disciplinary Univeristy Research Initiative) program headed by Prof. Dimauro of OSU Physics. The Program focuses on probing intense…
Artist rendition of ELI beamline in Czec Republic, EU 350 million facility being constructed
Undergrad Evan Lang (Adviser: Enam Chowdhury) worked at the Air Force Research Laboratory for Directed Energy in Kirtland Air Force Base in Summer 2014 as an AFRL fellow (http://afrlscholars.usra.…
Students from the High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) Research Group gave posters at the Ohio Supercomputer Center Statewide Users Group Meeting in December.
Students from the High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) Research Group gave posters at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) and Jupiter Laser Facility (JLF) User Group Meeting in February.
Photo by Randy Montoya (on behalf of US Government laboratory). Courtesy, Sandia National Laboratories.
"A higher-than-predicted measurement of iron opacity at solar interior temperatures"…
Graduate students of the High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) research group present posters at the 2nd High-Power Laser Workshop and LCLS USER Meeting at SLAC.