September 30, 2015
OSU Junior Evan Lang wins Outstanding Scholar Award

Undergrad Evan Lang (Adviser: Enam Chowdhury) worked at the Air Force Research Laboratory for Directed Energy in Kirtland Air Force Base in Summer 2014 as an AFRL fellow ( For his outstanding contribution to the Project, he received the Outstanding Scholar Award for undergraduate fellows in Directed Energy at the end of his term there.
He presented his work at the Directed Energy Ultra Short Pulse workshop 2014 at Boulder, CO.
He describes his research below:
Over the summer I spent 10 weeks of my time in Albuquerque New Mexico working with the US Air Force Directed Energy Directorate. Here I received the amazing opportunity of carrying out my own project. I was looking at the interaction effects of ultrashort laser pulses in the Mid-Infrared spectrum around 2.5 microns. The experiment used low band gap semiconductor targets and investigated many aspects of the interaction with Mid-IR compared to NIR at 800nm.
While I was there I always set out to complete my experiments and help others in the lab at any time. I worked past the time to leave and came in on days off. I also worked with my mentors to enhance the lab safety program to increase safety and efficiency in the lab. These aspects are what lead to the award I received near the end of the internship. This award was the outstanding scholars award. 4 were given out. One for grad students in space and one for directed energy, and one for undergrads in space and one in Directed Energy
I really enjoyed my time at Kirtland air force base and in New Mexico. I look forward to applying again for next summer.