January 23, 2013
High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) Research Group at Ohio State hosts the annual HEDP Summer School (HEDPSS 2013)

The 2013 High-Energy-Density-Physics (HEDP) Summer School, organized by the Fusion Science Center at the University of Rochester, with co-sponsorship from LLNL's Institute for Laser Science & Applications, and General Atomics will be held at the The Ohio State University, Columbus OH, July 14th to the 20th, 2013. The Summer School is for those undergraduate seniors, graduate students, postdocs, and researchers who want to enter, or advance their knowledge in, this new and exciting field of HEDP. Lecture topics include radiation transport and spectroscopy, hydrodynamics, materials properties under extreme conditions, laser-plasma interactions, and experimental techniques, along with other ongoing research activities in the area of HEDP. More background information about high-energy- density-physics can be found at the FSC's HEDP web page.
About 50 scholarships covering meals, lodging, and travel expenses are available to the undergraduate seniors, graduate students, and postdoc participants. Research scientists are expected to pay a registration fee of $400.
Program is currently under development. (see program from past summer school for example)
Online registration is now open. The deadline is February 18th, 2013
If you have further questions, please e-mail Mrs. Margaret Kyle or Prof. Chuang Ren of the University of Rochester.
The lecture notes and poster sessions are available below: