"Optimization of Shielded Scintillator for Neutron Detection" (pdf)
~ Patrick Belancourt (undergrad)
"Characterization of Heavy-Ice Deposition-Thickness on Flat Metal Targets for Deuteron Ion Acceleration" (pdf)
~ Matthew Engle (undergrad)
"The Effect of Fast Electron Scattering in Determining the Laser-Induced Electron Divergence" (pdf)
~ Sheng Jiang (grad)
"Acceleration of High-Energy Deuterons From Laser Irradiated Foils for Stand-off Detection of Nuclear Materials" (pdf)
~ Edward McCary (undergrad)
"Determination of the Rocking Curve and Reflection Efficiency of a SiO2 Crystal Imager Using Zr, Nb, Mo and Au K-α X-rays" (pdf)
~ Perrin Schiebel (undergrad)
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